While the fact that everything

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Over the last weeks, I've been noticing a ever-growing number of RuneScape gold clockwork cats in the streets everywhere. I observed one wandering around the wilds a few weeks ago amongst all the PvPers. I assumed it was one of their followers, even though it was free and was not following any person (I tried to find it but it said it didn't belong to anyone ). However, the game told me, "That's not yours ."). Yesterday, there were four or five of them wandering free around the GE. Some other locations, too.

Have you noticed anything similar? Is this a gimmick by Jagex to draw people's attention in creating (or get their own clockwork cat)? Or if you die with a cat who was a clockwork following you, does your clockwork cat become an "stray cat" walking around in the place for a few minutes instead of just disappearing the way other dropped objects do (but what happens to people who die within those in the GE)? (As an aside Have you noticed that if you have cats following your, it'll be in disputes with dogs who you walk by,)

The familiars have had their damage output increased however, they were nerfed once it was found that titans were hitting too hard on certain bosses. I don't know how they are now. Mod rathe says, Summoning has largely been set to one side for now, as we feel it's in need of an Evolution of Summoning update to fully reflect the value of it.

While the fact that everything will be multicombat does make it somewhat better than it is now. Concerning herblore Mod Pi will be able to deal with herblore and prayer as well as prayer. The current in-game bonuses the highest ranks give to you push the player so far above their level that it made the task of balancing bosses and buy OSRS GP difficult.