
If anyone wants to cut their hair, there are a few basic techniques that must be followed. To begin with, the hair should be damp but not too wet, as would be the  速剪 case immediately after shampooing.


Dampening with a spray bottle of cool water will help keep flyaway hair in a manageable condition. It is also very important that the hair is clean and free of hair products of any kind.


If you want to color your hair, it is worth remembering that the coloring should be done before the cut. This has the advantage that if there are any imperfections in the hair color, once you're ready to cut, the ends can be clipped.


Even with long hair, it is important that it is trimmed regularly as the ends of the hair can become damaged quickly and the generally healthy hair can look diseased. Short hairstyles need to be trimmed more often because the new hair growth is much more visible.


The average person with short hair probably needs between 4 and 6 weeks for a haircut, although some can get away with waiting up to 8 weeks. However, always do yourself a favor if a special occasion is coming up and don't get your hair cut just before the occasion.


You may want to do this at least two weeks in advance, if you have decided to go short then do so. Customization levels are also a good idea. If you have long hair and find that you are fed up with it and want to make it short, it is best to go for a medium style to begin with. Once you get used to it, switch to the shorter length.


Unless you are a professional stylist, in most cases you will not want to cut your own hair or anyone else's. There may be times when you need to lightly trim yourself  速剪 or someone else in an emergency. In most cases it is really a wise idea to have the haircut done by a professional barber.


You will sometimes find that you need to do an emergency cut on children if something got stuck in their hair or maybe one of the other children decided to play barber and cut their hair. Cut as little as possible and make arrangements to get the child to the hairdresser as soon as possible.


You will find that maintenance will be a little different if you had long hair or even medium length hair once you cut it short. You'll probably be pleasantly surprised when you don't have to spend nearly as much time with your hair, but you do need to get used to using your styling tools for the specific hairstyle you're about to sport.



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