Can Customers Get Artvigil Over The Counter For Sleeping Disorders?

Artvigil is a nootropic drug that helps to treat sleeping disorders. Artvigil medicine is the active component that works against sleeping disorders such as narcolepsy and aids you keep alert and awake for longer hours. These medications act mainly to promote wakefulness.


The competition in today’s world is increasing so much; therefore, one requires a higher caliber and brain performance to stand out. They need a boosted mental capacity in the professional or academic field for multitasking and for achieving multiple goals respectively. However, work-holism can cause higher stress. But according to several individuals, good stress helps people stay focused on their tasks. However, smart drugs such as Artvigil are being used by healthy people to control sleepiness. 

Artvigil is an active drug that is the available brand name called Provigil. It is known to be hugely used by several universities; different co-operate fields have been using this smart drug for the past few years. The Artvigil medication received FDA approval for treating male impotence. Artvigil acts on specific neurotransmitters. It has a special characteristic called eugeroic; therefore, the use of Artvigil is very high across the globe. The popularity of smart medications in big countries like the US and UK is more. Students mostly use Artvigil to enhance for improving their memory and focus, and around 44% of individuals prefer Artvigil to control sleepiness. So let’s know more about Artvigil and its safety.

However, customers should know that ArtvigilOver The Counter is not available. Artvigil is a prescription-based drug. Therefore, one must take it after consulting their health professional.

How do Artvigil works to stimulate our brain?

However, research yet does not know the exact mechanism of the Artvigil nootropic drug. However, researchers are aware that it works on specific brain chemicals; therefore, it primarily works on the central nervous system. In our CNS some brain chemicals work to control the wake-up/sleep cycle. Artvigil medicine works to prevent the reuptake of dopamine that helps to boost cognitive abilities, including aim, alertness, memory, etc. This drug also helps to keep you focused and helps in decision-making. It is real mood-altering medicine.

What benefits does Artvigil offer?

Unlike other nootropic medications, Artvigil has different advantages such as:

  1. Artvigil helps to enhance your tolerance to fatigue and uplift your mood.
  2. In healthy individuals, Artvigil forms fatigue levels, incentive, reaction time, and vigilance.
  3. A research study by the University of Cambridge that Artvigil smart medicine prevents impulsive and bad decision making.
  4.  It aids to enhance brain functioning in sleep-deprived people.

Is Artvigil Safe for sleeping disorders?

The use of Artvigil use is high in healthy individuals. Therefore, the question regarding their safety and efficacy has become a concern. For finding those answers, research is still going on. Researchers say that Artvigil has shown better results in healthy people. Using this medicine for enhancement of attention, boost learning ability, improve memory, and increase fluid intelligence. They have also learned that Artvigil helped them to make their tasks more pleasurable. They emphasized that Artvigil is safe and shows higher advantages; but may cause minor side effects such as headache, nausea, anxiety. However, these side effects were experienced by very few people.